Studio 23rd

Design Intention

The design concept for this space embodies the essence of a multifunctional environment, seamlessly blending the functionality of a showroom with the comfort of a home. Catering to the lifestyle of Deanne, who frequently travels between locations, this space serves as both a showcase for Twenty Third products and a fully equipped living quarters.

The Goal

Deanne's primary objective was to craft an atmosphere that exudes a sense of home while effectively highlighting the versatility of Twenty Third's offerings. The choice of pristine, minimalist white walls provides a neutral backdrop, allowing the products to take center stage without overwhelming the space. However, we didn't stop there; we meticulously integrated architectural details that add depth and character to the environment, ensuring a timeless elegance with purposeful design elements.

The Inspiration

Drawing inspiration from a minimal, timeless, and classic modern transitional style, we infused the space with warm tones and wood accents to evoke a sense of comfort and sophistication.

  • Furniture

    Each piece of furniture, meticulously designed by Twenty Third, showcases curvaceous lines that invite relaxation and intimacy, creating an atmosphere where one would never want to depart. T

    Explore furniture 
  • Color Scheme

    While the color palette remains minimal, the space abounds in layers and textures, offering a tactile experience that complements the modern yet organic ambiance.

    Explore Pillows & Decor 
  • Experience

    The result is an immersive environment that serves as a true embodiment of the Twenty Third design ethos, seamlessly blending functionality with style to create a space that feels like home.

    Inquire Design Services 
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